Thank you for taking part in our PQ+ Journey.Your opinion is very important to us so that we can learn, adjust and therefore improve the PQ+ experience. Thank you. How would you rate your overall experience? Please select poor fair good very good excellent How strongly would you agree with this statement "As a result of the PQ+ program, I have changed my thinking and behaviour in ways that have positively impacted / changed me." Please select strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree Looking back at your WHY for attending this program: What specific personal outcomes did you achieve? How do you feel about it? At the end of this journey: How strong are your PQ muscles? How quickly can you recover from a set-back? How often do you feel that you are in Sage mode? What are the key-insights that will keep PQ+ alive for you moving forward? How do you plan to continue your PQ practice? What are your suggestions on how we can improve this program? What went well? What did you like the least? To amplify the PQ ripple effect, do you know someone in your personal or professional environment who would either personally benefit from this programme or introduce it to their team or board? If so, would you be willing to introduce us? If you received great benefit from this PQ+ coaching program, would you be willing to write a recommendation for me? Either here via this form or via email or LinkedIn. Thank you. Feel free to provide any comments, or ask questions. * First Name Last Name Email * Thank you very much and all the best. “When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot hurt you."African Proverb